Editorial board
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The editorial board consists of 71 members from 22 countries, among which includes 11 experts from US. A number of highly qualified elites and experts in the relevant fields both at home and abroad have been invited to form an internationalization and competent editorial team. The members of the editorial board mainly distribute around the universities, research institutes, and the famous hospitals, by the young and middle-aged experts as the backbone.
The subjects of the editorial members are composed of multidisciplinary fields in the phytochemical, pharmacological, and pharmaceutical researches which deals with the component extraction, structure identification, preparation process, pharmacology, medicinal material resources, etc.
As responsibility, the members of editorial board should be responsible for peer reviewing the manuscript piece by piece with good quality; As obligation, they should provide the manuscript of achievement for the journal in a high level and improve the academic influence; In return, they could enjoy the academic reputation, get the opportunities to learn, and enjoy the fun of dedication.
Published date:2015-07-01Click:


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