目的 在中药质量标志物(quality marker,Q-Marker)“五原则”指导下,基于指纹图谱和网络药理学方法,从可测性和有效性角度分析预测秦皮潜在的Q-Marker。方法 建立15批秦皮饮片指纹图谱,进行聚类分析(hierarchical cluster analysis,HCA)、主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)和偏最小二乘判别分析(partial least-squares discrimination analysis,PLS-DA),运用网络药理学方法构建“成分-靶点-通路”网络图,并预测秦皮饮片的Q-Marker,同时进行定量分析。结果 建立了15批秦皮饮片指纹图谱,在21个共有峰中指认出4号峰为秦皮苷、6号峰秦皮乙素、7号峰秦皮素、9号峰秦皮甲素,HCA、PCA和PLS-DA结果大体相符,网络药理学筛选出潜在的21个活性成分、129个核心靶点、159条关键通路,整合指纹图谱、模式识别及网络药理学方法,共同辨识出可测性、有效性、特有性原则的潜在Q-Marker为秦皮苷、秦皮乙素、秦皮素、秦皮甲素,四者含量依次为0.93%~2.51%、0.98%~1.41%、0.71%~1.09%、0.66%~1.25%。结论 整合指纹图谱、模式识别和网络药理学分析预测了秦皮潜在的Q-Marker,为全面控制和评价秦皮饮片质量提供科学依据,为多基原中药质量标准的研究提供理论参考。
[Key word]
Objective To research the potential quality marker (Q-Marker) of Qinpi (Fraxini Cortex) based on "five principles" of Q-Markers combined with fingerprint and network pharmacology methods from the perspective of measurability and effectiveness. Methods The fingerprints of 15 batches of Fraxinus Cortex were established and subjected to clustering analysis (HCA), principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The network diagram of "components-targets-pathways" was constructed using network pharmacology. Q-Marker of Fraxinus Cortex was predicted and quantitative analysis was conducted simultaneously. Results The fingerprints of 15 batches of Fraxinus Cortex were established. Among the 21 common peaks, peak 4 fraxin, peak 6 esculetin, peak 7 fraxetin, and peak 9 esculin were identified. HCA, PCA, and PLS-DA results were generally consistent. Network pharmacology screened out 21 potential active components, 129 core targets and 159 key pathways. The fingerprint, pattern recognition and network pharmacology methods were integrated to jointly identify the potential Q-Marker of the principles of testability, effectiveness and uniqueness—fraxin, esculetin, fraxetin and esculin. The contents of that four components were 0.93%−2.51%, 0.98%−1.41%, 0.71%−1.09%, 0.66%−1.25%. Conclusion The potential Q-Marker of Fraxinus Cortex was predicted by the integration of fingerprint, pattern recognition and network pharmacology. This study provided a scientific basis for the comprehensive control and evaluation of the quality of Fraxinus Cortex decoction pieces, and a theoretical reference for the study of quality standards for multi-base traditional Chinese medicine.