目的 建立老鹳草Geranium wilfordii指纹图谱,研究老鹳草提取物的指纹图谱与抗肿瘤活性之间的谱效关系,初步明确老鹳草抗肿瘤主要活性成分。方法 运用中药色谱指纹图谱相似度评价软件,建立老鹳草抗肿瘤活性部位的HPLC指纹图谱。采用MTT法,以人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞为模型,对老鹳草样品的醋酸乙酯部位进行抗肿瘤活性测定。采用多元线性回归法,将量化共有峰面积与MTT法测得老鹳草抗肿瘤活性结果相结合,构建老鹳草抗肿瘤谱效关系。结果 通过指纹图谱的建立,共标定了16个共有峰,确定1号峰为没食子酸、7号峰为柯里拉京、8号峰为老鹳草素、12号峰为鞣花酸。其中29批药材的相似度均大于0.732,运用主成分分析和聚类分析进一步分析样品间差异,将距离较远的30号样品排除。HPLC指纹图谱中的16个共有峰中,有8个峰对MCF-7细胞有作用,得到MCF-7的谱效方程,经6批药材验证,谱效方程计算值与实际值的偏差率不超过10%。结论 该谱-效方程可用于预测老鹳草的抗乳腺癌作用物质基础。
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Objective To establish the HPLC fingerprint of Geranium wilfordii, study the spectrum-effect relationship of anti-tumor activity of G. wilfordii and preliminarily clarify its main anti-tumor active components. Methods The similarity evaluation software of traditional Chinese medicine chromatographic fingerprints was used to establish the HPLC fingerprints of the anti-tumor active fractions of G. wilfordii. MTT method was used to determine the anti-tumor activity of effective parts of G. wilfordii by using human breast cancer cell MCF-7 as a model. Multiple linear regression method was used to combine the quantitative characteristic peak area with the anti-tumor activity results of G. wilfordii measured by MTT method to construct the anti-tumor spectrum effect relationship of G. wilfordii. Results Through the establishment of fingerprint, 16 common peaks were picked, it is determined that peak 1 is gallic acid, peak 7 is corrilagin, peak 8 is geranium, and peak 12 is ellagic acid. The similarity of each sample was higher than 0.732. Further analyze the differences between samples using principal component analysis and cluster analysis, and exclude sample 30 that is farther away. The results showed that 8 of the 16 common peaks in the HPLC fingerprint had effects on MCF-7 cells, and the spectral efficiency equation for MCF-7 was obtained. After verification by six batches of medicinal materials, the deviation rate between the calculated value of the spectral efficiency equation and the actual value was not exceed 10%. Conclusion The spectrum-effect equation can be used to predict the anti-breast cancer effect of G. wilfordii.