目的 对菊科药用植物菊Chrysanthemum morifolium非药用部位化学成分的分布和动态积累进行分析评价,为该药用生物资源的综合利用提供科学依据。方法 分别采用超高效液相-三重四级杆质谱联用仪(UPLC-TQ/MS)、紫外可见分光光度法(UV)、超高效液相-二极管阵列检测器(UPLC-DAD),测定不同生长期菊根、茎、叶中氨基酸类、核苷类、黄酮类及有机酸类成分的存在及其量。结果 氨基酸类成分分析结果表明,菊的根、茎、叶中检测到13种氨基酸,总氨基酸的量分布顺序为:根>叶>茎;核苷类成分分析结果表明,菊叶中检测到4种核苷,茎和根中分别检测到2种核苷,总核苷的量分布顺序为:叶>根>茎;黄酮类成分分析结果表明,总黄酮类成分的量分布顺序为:叶>根>茎,其中叶片所含黄酮类成分量为9.94%~18.66%,根中质量分数为5.88%~8.02%,茎中质量分数为3.98%~5.41%;有机酸类成分分析表明,总有机酸的质量分数分布顺序为:叶>根>茎,叶中质量分数为2.44%~4.94%,根中量为1.89%~2.64%,茎中质量分数为1.20%~1.48%。不同生长期菊根、茎、叶中黄酮类和有机酸类成分量发生动态变化,在菊花采摘后达到高峰。结论 菊非药用部位尤其是叶中含有丰富的资源性化学成分,且在采摘花序后为资源丰产期。该研究结果为菊花采收后废弃物的资源化利用提供了有益的借鉴。
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Objective To analyze and evaluate the distribution and dynamic changes of chemical constituents from non-medicinal parts of Chrysanthemum morifolium, and to provide scientific basis for the comprehensive utilization of this medicinal biological resources Methods Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography combined with triple quadrupole electrospray tandem massspectrometry (UPLC-TQ/MS) was applied for measuring amino acids and nucleosides, UV spectrophotometry (UV) was used for determining flavones, and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography along with a diode array detector (UPLC-DAD) was used for analyzing flavones and organic acids of root, stem, and leaves of C. morifolium in different growing periods, respectively. Results There are 13 kinds of amino acids in the root, stem, and leaves, total amino acid content ranges of root > leaves > stem; there were four kinds of nucleosides in leaves while only tow kinds were detected in both root and stem. Total nucleoside content ranges of leaves > root > stem; content ranges of flavones in leaves, root and steam were 9.94%—18.66% in leaves; 5.88%—8.02% in root, and 3.98%—5.41% in stem, respectively. Content ranges of organic acids in leaves, root, and stem were 2.44%—4.94% in leaves, 1.89—2.64% in root, and 1.20%—1.48% in stem, respectively. The content changes of flavones and organic acids were the highest after the flowers were picked with growing. Conclusion There is abundant resources of chemical constituents in non-medicinal parts of C. morifolium,especially in leaves, and it reached the highest resource yield after picking the inflorescence. This research results has provided beneficial reference for the resource utilization of abandoned part of C. morifolium after picking the inflorescence.