目的 探讨柴青消癖胶囊对乳腺增生模型大鼠的治疗作用及可能的作用机制。方法 清洁级SD大鼠70只,随机分成7组:对照组,模型组,枸橼酸他莫昔芬组,消乳散结胶囊组,柴青消癖胶囊低、中、高剂量(0.432、0.856、1.712 g/kg)组。5周后,测定乳头直径及高度、脏器指数、血清中孕激素(P)、雌激素(E2)、泌乳素(PRL)、睾酮(T)水平及超氧歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)量,镜下观察乳腺组织病理形态学变化。结果 柴青消癖胶囊中、高剂量组能显著减小大鼠乳头直径及高度;升高胸腺、脾指数,降低子宫、卵巢指数;能提高血清中P、E2、PRL水平,降低T的量;可明显增加血清中SOD活性,降低MDA水平。结论 柴青消癖胶囊对乳腺增生模型大鼠有显著的治疗作用,其作用机制可能与增强免疫力、调节血清中性激素水平及抗氧化作用有关。
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Objective To investigate the therapeutic action of Chaiqing Xiaopi Capsule (CXC) on the hyperplasia of mammary gland (HMG) in rats and to analyze the possible mechanism in treating HMG. Methods Seventy clean Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into seven groups including control, model, tamoxifen citrate, Xiaoru Sanjie Capsule, low-, mid-, and high-dose CXC (0.433, 0.855, and 1.712 g/kg) groups. After treatment for five weeks, the height and diameter of nipple were measured, the viscera indexes and the levels of progestogen (P), estrogen (E2), prolactin (PRL), testosterone (T), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and malondialdehyde (MDA) in serum were determined, and the pathologic changes in morphology of breast tissue in rats were observed by microscopy. Results The mid- and high-dose CXC could remarkably reduce the diameter and height of nipple, increase the coefficient of thymus and spleen, and decrease the coefficient of uterus and ovaries. It could also increase the levels of E2, P, and PRL, decrease T level in serum, increase the SOD activity, and decrease the content of MDA. Conclusion CXC has obvious therapeutic effect on HMG in rats, and the mechanism may be related to enhancing immunity, regulating sex hormone level in serum, and antioxidation.