目的 优化复方呋塞米螺内酯片的处方。方法 以溶出度为指标,采用单因素试验优选复方呋塞米螺内酯片的最佳处方影响因素。结果 优选出最佳处方为:以3%十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)为表面活性剂,10%微晶纤维素为填充剂,5%交联聚维酮(PVPP)为崩解剂以内3%外2%法加入的方式制备复方呋塞米螺内酯片。结论 制备的复方呋塞米螺内酯片表面光洁,硬度适宜,溶出度较好,工艺简便可行。
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Objective To optimize the formulation of Compound Furosemide and Spironolactone Tablets. Methods Dissolution was used as index, and factors of the best prescription carried out by single factor test. Results The best prescription was selected as following:3% SDS was as surfactant, 10% MCC was as filler, and 5% PVPP was as disintegrating agent with adding ways of internal 3% external 2%. Conclusion Compound Furosemide and Spironolactone Tablets has smooth surface, suitable hardness, and good dissolution, and the process is simple and feasible.