目的 探讨聚乙二醇化重组人生长激素(PEG-rhGH)对去垂体幼鼠主要脏器的影响.方法 SD雄性幼鼠随机取88只进行去垂体手术造模,另18只假手术组为对照组.术后2周,选成模幼鼠54只,分为模型组、重组人生长激素(rhGH)组、PEG-rhGH组.每晚sc生理盐水0.25 mg/kg,并且rhGH组每晚sc注射用重组人生长激素0.25 mg/kg,PEG-rhGH组每周第1天晚上sc注射用重组人生长激素1.40 mg/kg.治疗4周后,检测肝功能ALT、AST、TBIL、DBIL水平,肾功能BUN、CREA水平,心肌酶谱CK、CKMB及肝脏、心脏、肾脏的病理组织和肝脏的转录生长因子β1(TGF-β1)和肾脏C-fos蛋白表达.结果 肝功能中AST、TBIL水平下降;肾功能中CREA水平升高;肝脏、肾脏、心脏病理未见明显异常;肝脏TGF-β1、肾脏C-fos蛋白表达组间无差异.结论 PEG-rhGH对肝脏、肾脏、心脏的组织形态和功能无明显不良影响.
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Objective To investigate the effects of polyethylene glycol recombinant human growth hormone (PEG-rhGH) on the major organs of hypophysectomized rats. Methods Eighty-eight Sprague-Dawley young male rats were underwent hypophysectomy, and another 18 rats with Sham operations were selected into the control group. Fifty-four qualified rats were randomly divided into the model, rhGH, and PEG-rhGH groups after two weeks. Saline was used with sc administration at dosage of 0.25 mg/kg every night. Recombinant Human Growth Hormone for Injection (0.25 mg/kg) was sc given every night in rhGH group, but Polyethylene Glycol Recombinant Human Growth Hormone for Injection (1.40 mg/kg) was sc given in first night every week in PEG-rhGH group. After treatment for 4 weeks, Liver function such as ALT, AST, TBIL, and DBIL levels, renal function such as BUN and CREA levels, myocardial enzymes CK, CKMB, and liver, heart, kidney pathology transcription, and the protein expression of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and renal C-fos in liver tissue were determined. Results There were decrease of levels of AST and TBIL in liver function, but increase of CREA level in renal function. No obvious abnormalities of pathology in liver, kidney, and heart. There were no difference for hepatic TGF-β1 and the kidneys C-fos protein expression among groups. Conclusion No significant adverse effects of PEG-rhGH are observed on the liver, kidney, and heart morphology and function.