目的 评价吸烟致细胞毒性和DNA损伤以及黄酮类成分黄芩素、槲皮素、丹参素钠的保护作用。方法 以自动吸烟机按照FTC协议吸烟产生的主流烟雾在线染毒B-16细胞和人颊黏膜细胞两种真核细胞,通过MTT比色法和单细胞凝胶电泳法检测吸烟所致的细胞毒性和DNA损伤,并考察黄芩素、槲皮素、丹参素钠的保护作用。结果 吸烟可致体外培养的B-16细胞活力明显下降,两种细胞的DNA明显损伤。随着烟气作用时间的延长,表征细胞内DNA损伤程度的彗星尾矩、Olive尾矩都有增加;1 mmol/L槲皮素、黄芩素和丹参素均可明显缓解吸烟引起的细胞毒性和DNA损伤,对B-16细胞的活力提升50%左右,对人颊黏膜细胞的DNA保护效果超过60%。结论 吸烟可致细胞毒性和细胞DNA损伤,但是黄酮类成分黄芩素、槲皮素、丹参素钠均对细胞和DNA具有保护作用。
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Objective To evaluate the protective effect of flavonoid components baicalein, quercetin or sodium danshensu on cytotoxicity and cellular DNA damage induced by cigarette smoke. Methods Two kinds of eukaryotic cells B-16 cells and oral buccal mucosal cells in liquid were attacked by the mainstream smoke produced via on-line cigarette smoking according to FTC with or without baicalein, quercetin or sodium danshensu. The cytotoxicity and cellular DNA damage were respectively assessed by MTT method and single cell gel electrophoresis. Results The cytotoxicity of B-16 cells and DNA damage of two kinds of cells induced by on-line cigarette smoking were obvious. A positive relationship was observed between the exposure time in smoke and the tail moment and olive tail moment of comet cells. Baicalein, quercetin, or sodium danshensu (1 mmol/L) could relieve the cytotoxicity by about 50% and decrease the DNA damage by more than 60%. Conclusion There is a positive relationship between the exposure of cells in smoke and the cellular DNA damage, and the flavonoid components baicalein, quercetin, or sodium danshensu have a protective effect against the genotoxicity of cigarette smoke.