目的 考察阑尾清化汤联合血必净注射液对非手术治疗急性阑尾炎患者的临床疗效。方法 选取天津市南开医院2011年3月—2012年2月就诊的非手术治疗的急性阑尾炎患者82例,随机分为治疗组42例和对照组40例,对照组患者给予补液、退热、止吐和维持机体酸碱平衡等对症治疗;口服阑尾清化汤,1 剂/d,分2次口服;同时给予头孢噻肟钠注射液静脉滴注,1.0 g/次,2 次/d。治疗组在此基础上加用血必净注射液50 mL/次,加入到生理盐水100 mL静脉滴注,2 次/d。两组疗程均为7 d。观察两组患者的临床疗效及不良反应。结果 治疗组和对照组总有效率分别为95.24%、87.50%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 阑尾清化汤联合血必净注射液对急性阑尾炎有良好的治疗作用,疗效确切,值得临床应用。
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Objective To evaluate the clinical efficiency of Lanweiqinghua Decoction combined with Xuebijing Injection on acute appendicitis by non-operation treatment. Methods The patients (82 cases) diagnosed with acute appendicitis by non-operation treatment in Tianjin Nankai Hospital from March 2011 to February 2012 were randomly divided into treatment (42 cases) and control (40 cases) groups. The patients in the control group were treated with fluid resuscitation, defervescence, antiemesis, body acid-base balance maintaining, and other symptomatic treatment. They were ig administered with Lanweiqinghua Decoction, one dose daily, and at the same time, they were iv administered with Cefotaxime Injection (1.0 g/once, twice daily). The patients in the treatment group were iv administered with Xuebijingoin Injection (50 mL added into 100 mL physiological saline), twice daily, other treatment was as same as the control group. Two groups were treated for 7 d, then the clinical efficacy and adverse reactions were observed. Results The efficiency for the patients both in the treatment and control groups was 95.24% and 87.50% with the significant difference (P < 0.05). Conclusion Lanweiqinghua Decoction combined with Xuebijing Injection has a accurate curative effect on the acute appendicitis,by non-operation treatment, which could be used in clinical appendicitis.