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Vietnam is the one of developing countries in Sout heast Asia. In Vietnam, traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) is widely accepted in the mainstream of local pharmaceutical market, and also covered by government reimbursement. As a result, Vietnam is one of the target countries for TCM to l aunch in the market. Supported by the National Eleventh “Fiveyear” Program, Tasly has carried out studies on the application of Yangxue Qingnao Granule in V ietnam. The article has given a brief review on technical requirements of the eva luation of Chinese Proprietary Medicine and indicated relevant ideas and views o f the application as an example of prescription drug application in Vietnam. The article has provided good experience for Chinese Proprietary Medicine manufactu rers in our country to enter Vietnamese medical market, and also established the foundation for the development of Chinese Proprietary Medicine in Vietnamese ma rket.