黄花稔属Sida Linn.植物含有甾醇类、生物碱类等多种化学成分。该属的多种植物作为传统中药广泛用于治疗哮喘、肾炎、感冒、发烧、头痛、溃疡等。在国外,用该属植物黄花稔Sida acuta Burm. F. 治疗疟疾。对其有效成分白叶藤碱(cryptolepine)进行了较深入的研究,认为该成分有抗炎、抗虐、抗肿瘤、降血糖等作用。国内对拔毒散S. szechuensis Matsuda的地上部分进行了化学成分研究,从中提取、分离到8个甾醇类化合物、1个甾体皂苷、1个黄酮苷、1个单萜、1个吲哚类生物碱,并对其乙醇提取物做了抗菌实验。综述了该属植物化学成分和药理活性研究概况,为进一步开发、利用该属植物资源提供参考。
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According to studies of last three decades, Sida Linn. Contains many kinds of chemical constituents, primarily including alkaloids, steroids and so on. Plants of different species of Sida Linn. Are widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of asthma, renal inflammation, colds, fever, headache and ulcers. In foreign countries, Sida acuta Burm. f., a species of this genus, is used to treat malaria, and the active component cryptolepine is considered to have anti-inflammatory, anti-malarial, anti-tumor and hypoglycemic effects. In China, constitutions of the aerial part of S. szechuensis Matsuda has been analyzed. 8 steroids, 1 steroidal saponin, 1 flavonoid glycoside, 1 monoterpene, and 1 indole alkaloid have been extracted and isolated. The antibacterial experiments of its ethanol extract have also been conducted. This paper gives an overview of chemical constitutions and pharmacological activities of Sida Linn.plants, so as to provide more reference for further development and utilization of genus Sida Linn.